Ayodhya ShreeRam Welfare Society
A few minutes of Yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily, in both the body and the mind. Yoga postures, Pranayama and meditation are effective techniques to release stress. Meditation is relaxation and rejuvenates the body and mind. With this aim in mind, a special class was organized by Ayodhya Shri Ram Welfare Society, Dhar for the students, teaching and non-teaching staff participated (60 Nos.) with full interest, enthusiasm and eagerness with the protocols. The yoga instructor took the yoga session with great dedication. The session began by seeking the blessings of the Almighty by chanting the Gayatri Mantra. Asanas starting with warming up and stretching were followed by Padmasana, Sukhasan, Tadasana, and Bhujang Asana and ending with Shavasana. Exercises for relieving stress, reducing joint pain, and enhancing the flexibility of the back were also done for the benefit of the volunteers. Our team motivated the students, youth and volunteers and conveyed the importance of making yoga an integral part of our daily life by extending the practice of yoga beyond the mat.
Ayodhya Shri Ram Welfare Society, is a non-political and non-profit social voluntary organization established on 19/08/2019. The Society is registered under Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act 1973 vide Registration No. 1973 No. 03/27/01/21946/19, Dated: 19 August 2019