Ayodhya ShreeRam Welfare Society
“Youths are the pillars of the Nation” the development of the nation will depend on the youth and their potentialities. But now in this modern era so many stresses in the youth are affecting them badly and they are facing so many problems. Role and value conflicts, Increasing Pressures for better performance in schools and colleges, Career decisions and unemployment, emotional and sexual adjustment, coping with the Pressure of living, the evil of the dowry system and pressures are the main problems, youths are bound to face today.
Ayodhya Shri Ram Welfare Society, is a non-political and non-profit social voluntary organization established on 19/08/2019. The Society is registered under Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act 1973 vide Registration No. 1973 No. 03/27/01/21946/19, Dated: 19 August 2019