Ayodhya ShreeRam Welfare Society
Ayodhya Shri Ram Welfare Society, Dhar has been working for the welfare of society for the last 11 years. We have various welfare programs like Garment Project, Food for Education Programme, Mobility project, Book Donation project, Vocational Training project etc. To give an underprivileged person a pair of clothes is as good as dressing him with self-respect. With this objective we distribute usable clothes and garments to the poorest of the poor children, women and men of all ages across India. In order to reach out to more poor and needy people, we distribute these garments through a network of various institutions. They in turn distribute the garments to individual beneficiaries.
Ayodhya Shri Ram Welfare Society, is a non-political and non-profit social voluntary organization established on 19/08/2019. The Society is registered under Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act 1973 vide Registration No. 1973 No. 03/27/01/21946/19, Dated: 19 August 2019